reasons why i hate working:
-have to wake up damn early so dat you wont get complained by ur colleagues dat ur always late.. im just 5 mins late okay.. wat can i do in 5 mins la .. ***** (sry bout dat.. i get cranky when im tired)
- feel the breeze of exhaust every morning/evening in the city of kl.. something needs to be done man..
- u know how hot issit outside.. i can even sweat at home wif air cond on.. and to think dat there isnt any food to eat in kl.. got la but it has to be rm10 to be reasonably edible.. and u'll be surprised how many ppl are fightin to get cheap food in kl..
- someday im gonna do something about dat monorail of kl.. its slow and small and it causes some idiots to keep pushing and pushing their body into the tram.. like.. c'mon la ur at the freakin door edi.. wait another 3 mins for the next train laa.. personally i had good and bad experience when it comes to this.. haha good one is yea im between to pretty ladies and.. yea.. no further elaboration needed.. bad is im between a sweaty man and some fatso who smells like mayo.. wtf rite??
- being a temporary admin sucks.. cuz they treat u like some freakin office boy.. go pass this letter to that person.. go help me photostat this.. go file this.. (i hear this the most.. almost every 10 mins once).. and a word 'pls' would be great??? somehow im starting to agree wif shing.. working under ppl doesnt seem to good.. =S
- NO INTERNET!! i was like.. WTF?!!?!?! im sitting in front of a comp wif no internet.. fine.. i'll do my tuition notes den... eh.. waalao.. thumbdrive also canot use.. -.- (from that moment i've no motivation to work edi..)
anyway yea those are my days at hong leong assurance company.. damn sien and tiring.. but but.. i got a surprise for you.. i've been fired today!! yoooooo maan!! XD never thought dat i could be happier.. haha the truth is.. i've been allocated to my recruitment company to work instead of HLA.. hey at least u don need to smell mayo and exhaust rite? more chinese ppl.. (think im kinda racist) and HOPEFULLY there is internet to use.. let me use for at least the lunch time la.. pls pls.. im praying very very very hard now to have internet access.. PLEAAAAAASEEEEEE!!!
haha okay la.. shldnt be complainin to much.. i asked for all these to happen.. so yea.. life's tough.. dats one fact dat i have to agree on =) anyway! i wanna post up some old pics!
okay im lazy to put captions on those pics.. but u'll get the rough idea wat me and jiunn were playing to do on robin's back lawn.. haha! pic 1-4 are all the landscape of our plan.. so the plan was to.. lock robin down there and splash water from the top! we got pipes and buckets and bottles of water.. haha notice his hair.. its flat.. and yea kinda dry edi.. he was totally soaked wif water when he came out from there.. LOL and woo kan was our secret weapon hu is suppose to hide in the hole at pic 1-2 .. but it seems robin went in there 1st.. and they both.. god knows wat they are doin there.. anyway la.. it was damn funny.. we stopped agreed to cease water.. and den i spray him again when he almost reachin out edi.. XD haha we have videos but kx and yy and cy didnt post it up i think.. so yea.. happy belated surprise bday, robin =)
time to bathe.. tata =)