b4 dat.. haha happy belated easter day yea to my christian frens all around the world =) hope u enjoyed ur easter break! oh yea.. poor arsenal and MU fans.. words cant reach to ur broken hearts for such depressing defeat.. anyway there is always next season so.. dun be so sad k? =)
well just wanna say.. ts is gonna have his A2 final exams in exactly 1 month time and.. it would last for another month.. so.. ts would not blog on his blog for the next 2 MONTHS!! this blog will be officially dead for 60 days ++ okay? okay? pls dun go and write all those stuff on my chatbox like.. dead blog alert.. even im in manipal updates my blog more often den u.. I WONT ACCEPT THOSE IN MY CHATBOX! okay? =) reason is.. i got this amazing result for trials.. A D D D.. A for maths and phy chem and econ are the Ds.. so.. yea its quite depressing to look at such a result.. so.. im gonna be determined to not touch blogs edi for 2 mths.. most likely i wont be online either.. ts will be nerding for 2 months like he hasnt nerd b4! so.. all the best to all our A lvl friends.. its all or nothing okay? uni is awaiting us ahead!! =)
oh yea went jogoya with pe5 last wednesday.. den sing k at pavilion after dat.. haha! it was really fun.. i didnt expect dat i would enjoy dat much actually.. hehe looking forward to pe5's class trip =) and also FXC's trip!!
i wont accept failure as an answer as there is no such thing as failure if there is hardwork! DONT BE LAZY TS!! study hard! =)
Monday, April 20, 2009
Monday, April 13, 2009
so.. wats recent?
i know.. its been very long since i update it.. but im just too damn lazy to write stuff about my life due to dramas and dramas.. and movies.. well im gonna write all of it one shot right here right now! have to be more hardworking edi!
so.. yea as u all know my car was dead and revived few days ago.. so all those days.. when i have no car.. u dun know how badly i need a transportation and i wanna thank those ppl hu fetched me here and there.. such good frens of mine =) so i was having my a2 trials those days.. and yea i was very very afraid dat the person hus fetching me forget to pick me up.. and i had to call him almost every morning to make sure he remembers.. haha the days of kian ti fetching me to and fro college was very interesting.. all of his jay songs and really weird song choices in his pen drive.. oh yea he drives damn slow also.. so haha kinda makes me feel abit more safe.. though is slow.. he is still a reckless driver.. -.-' i rmbed how he cut lanes and other cars.. very sudden de.. den always say.. 'i looked edi laa.. dun worry laaa..' hmm.. maybe im abit paranoid myself.. well u'll experienced it once u had ur 1st major car accident
yea had my hair cut after my exams.. and i had to admit.. long hair doesnt really suit me i guess.. oh yea.. mckl treasure hunt.. well i suppose other ppl might edi described how it reli went but.. i shall briefly write smth about it la.. morning reached robin's hse to find dat.. everyone is not ready also! =S and there i was thinking im late.. well we are late actually.. and kj hus picking us up at wms was afraid about umno's last day of general meeting.. yea.. maybe its good dat we shld be afraid of things like this.. it happened b4.. it might happen again u know? so.. heck hu cares.. we're late.. as always.. never early for any functions.. i realised. so upon registering.. we grouped up.. we talked.. we sing the negaraku.. bla bla bla.. by 1 we're back and the freaking hot weather is killing everyone.. and woi... put up more shades for us la.. i swear my face was all wet!! gawd.. after all dat burnin.. we ended up getting a pen drive?? walao.. seriously im not gonna do anymore treasure hunting edi.. all dat for a pendrive.. i rather stay at home and sleep la.. well all and all its worth it if u look at it another way.. its like the last time ur gonna play smth like this wif ur frens together.. so we all had fun.. and the bday surprises.. yea.. posting the video soon cuz the files are at desktop.. and im typing this wif laptop.. so.. yup its a wet wet experience =) happy bday to wei han lee zhein jia hui brian yeoh and yee eng =) hehe next would be.. robin and kj loo.. i have tonnes of ideas now =P kekeke!
mm.. next would be.. gathering on friday? yea wif help ppl and kj.. watched fast and furious 4 =) very very nice show indeeed! eheh and bought wei han present.. together wif yt and jb.. i also wan to buy lehh for myself.. but not now la of course =) pasta zenmai is a lovely place to dine.. the food is fantastic and very filling =) after dat was my sister's farewell.. dined at klang.. the food there is really.. top class la! omg.. waahh! =)
sister yunn cheng left for aberdeen on sunday.. sigh im missing u like crazy~~ its a song alrite.. dun get all excited cheng.. but seriously this hse is really quiet without you.. even mum's nagging had reduced.. see hus the culprit of all the noises in the house! XD haha! anyway she's now even annoying den ever laaa.. everyday asking whther ur online anot..-.-'' haha see how much she care about u! well hope ur having alot of fun there wif ur frens =) i wan the klia photos ar cheng!
so.. now im on my hols.. drama-ed 24/7 and damn i need the gym laa.. stupid bj staff kacau me out of the gym.. =S gonna try again tml! grr! XD and i worked as promoter for pc fair.. a sony vaio promoter.. more like a salesman la.. haha 2 things i learned.. chinese consumers are really persistent wif the free gifts.. i said.. dats all i can do for u miss.. and then reply would be.. i know ur hiding summore stuff laa.. come one.. just give me la.. -.-'' ^%#$&^*& i said i have nth to give u liao laaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!! and the other thing is.. malays.. their eyes widens when u mentioned the word free gifts.. u know.. the more u list it out.. the easier they would say 'deal!' even though its a 4000+ laptop.. okay.. so i like doin business wif malays =) so simple.. and i realised.. working for money is not easy.. i was so exhausted everyday after work and i just.. bathed and sleeped straight when i reached home.. without any words spoken.. the lvl of stress in pc fair.. is so high.. even the customers need to take a break and take in some air.. i really wonder how de hell i made it thru 3 days.. haah! robin was fired on the 1st day as salesperson and become a leaflet man on the next day!! wheee!! XD poor guy.. sigh.. he tried his best XD ahhaha!! u shld ask him his experience for 2 days of work..
so here i am.. done wif updating everything.. and yeap think i would be lookin forward to wms sports day.. meeting up wif wei han there =) see how yellow house is doing!! go go yellow house! XD dats all for now..
so.. yea as u all know my car was dead and revived few days ago.. so all those days.. when i have no car.. u dun know how badly i need a transportation and i wanna thank those ppl hu fetched me here and there.. such good frens of mine =) so i was having my a2 trials those days.. and yea i was very very afraid dat the person hus fetching me forget to pick me up.. and i had to call him almost every morning to make sure he remembers.. haha the days of kian ti fetching me to and fro college was very interesting.. all of his jay songs and really weird song choices in his pen drive.. oh yea he drives damn slow also.. so haha kinda makes me feel abit more safe.. though is slow.. he is still a reckless driver.. -.-' i rmbed how he cut lanes and other cars.. very sudden de.. den always say.. 'i looked edi laa.. dun worry laaa..' hmm.. maybe im abit paranoid myself.. well u'll experienced it once u had ur 1st major car accident
yea had my hair cut after my exams.. and i had to admit.. long hair doesnt really suit me i guess.. oh yea.. mckl treasure hunt.. well i suppose other ppl might edi described how it reli went but.. i shall briefly write smth about it la.. morning reached robin's hse to find dat.. everyone is not ready also! =S and there i was thinking im late.. well we are late actually.. and kj hus picking us up at wms was afraid about umno's last day of general meeting.. yea.. maybe its good dat we shld be afraid of things like this.. it happened b4.. it might happen again u know? so.. heck hu cares.. we're late.. as always.. never early for any functions.. i realised. so upon registering.. we grouped up.. we talked.. we sing the negaraku.. bla bla bla.. by 1 we're back and the freaking hot weather is killing everyone.. and woi... put up more shades for us la.. i swear my face was all wet!! gawd.. after all dat burnin.. we ended up getting a pen drive?? walao.. seriously im not gonna do anymore treasure hunting edi.. all dat for a pendrive.. i rather stay at home and sleep la.. well all and all its worth it if u look at it another way.. its like the last time ur gonna play smth like this wif ur frens together.. so we all had fun.. and the bday surprises.. yea.. posting the video soon cuz the files are at desktop.. and im typing this wif laptop.. so.. yup its a wet wet experience =) happy bday to wei han lee zhein jia hui brian yeoh and yee eng =) hehe next would be.. robin and kj loo.. i have tonnes of ideas now =P kekeke!
mm.. next would be.. gathering on friday? yea wif help ppl and kj.. watched fast and furious 4 =) very very nice show indeeed! eheh and bought wei han present.. together wif yt and jb.. i also wan to buy lehh for myself.. but not now la of course =) pasta zenmai is a lovely place to dine.. the food is fantastic and very filling =) after dat was my sister's farewell.. dined at klang.. the food there is really.. top class la! omg.. waahh! =)
sister yunn cheng left for aberdeen on sunday.. sigh im missing u like crazy~~ its a song alrite.. dun get all excited cheng.. but seriously this hse is really quiet without you.. even mum's nagging had reduced.. see hus the culprit of all the noises in the house! XD haha! anyway she's now even annoying den ever laaa.. everyday asking whther ur online anot..-.-'' haha see how much she care about u! well hope ur having alot of fun there wif ur frens =) i wan the klia photos ar cheng!
so.. now im on my hols.. drama-ed 24/7 and damn i need the gym laa.. stupid bj staff kacau me out of the gym.. =S gonna try again tml! grr! XD and i worked as promoter for pc fair.. a sony vaio promoter.. more like a salesman la.. haha 2 things i learned.. chinese consumers are really persistent wif the free gifts.. i said.. dats all i can do for u miss.. and then reply would be.. i know ur hiding summore stuff laa.. come one.. just give me la.. -.-'' ^%#$&^*& i said i have nth to give u liao laaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!! and the other thing is.. malays.. their eyes widens when u mentioned the word free gifts.. u know.. the more u list it out.. the easier they would say 'deal!' even though its a 4000+ laptop.. okay.. so i like doin business wif malays =) so simple.. and i realised.. working for money is not easy.. i was so exhausted everyday after work and i just.. bathed and sleeped straight when i reached home.. without any words spoken.. the lvl of stress in pc fair.. is so high.. even the customers need to take a break and take in some air.. i really wonder how de hell i made it thru 3 days.. haah! robin was fired on the 1st day as salesperson and become a leaflet man on the next day!! wheee!! XD poor guy.. sigh.. he tried his best XD ahhaha!! u shld ask him his experience for 2 days of work..
so here i am.. done wif updating everything.. and yeap think i would be lookin forward to wms sports day.. meeting up wif wei han there =) see how yellow house is doing!! go go yellow house! XD dats all for now..
Friday, April 3, 2009
car accident 2
yup ts had his 2nd car accident in his life.. it was.. around 2 weeks ago at federal highway.. the most car passes-by highway in msia.. and accidents were prone to happen every single day there!.. so here's how is goes..
a fine afternoon after teaching shing extra maths class, went home thru federal highway.. and as i was driving at the fast lane.. and i swear i was driving around 60km/hr!! car in front of me breaks.. break lights were noticed and i also slowed down the car.. but I DIDN REALISE DAT THE CAR STOPPED COMPLETELY!! hu the hell stops their car in the middle of the road laa!! at least when u stop.. u stop den go laa.. stop den stop like dats ur road.. so i couldnt stop in time so.. 'tadaa'
the you the kemek hero of proton cars! proton wira yang kemek! still drivable de u know? can still drive home and to police station to and fro summore for 2 times! geng leh =)
and this is the car dat i hate.. 'naza citra' whenever i see on the road this car i feel du lan.. i feel like cursing non stop!! =S.. tuupid car.. boot so hard.. u zoom in.. no scratches one u know!! my wira is like some toufoo to this car.. -.-
sigh.. the moment i bang the car.. i was like.. 'ooohhhhhhhhh.. GG!' seriously! dats wat i said in my mind.. see, boys think so simple.. and i parked on the side.. went out of the car.. wif my mind determined to scold them but as i saw 4 MALAY guys came out from the car.. my legs betrayed me and it shaked.. damn -.- so much for giving pressure to the one hu is fault! anyway a stupid fact dat u all shld know! when driving.. in watsoever circumstances if u bang a car.. its ur fault.. even though they brake in front of u like some idiot.. u would have to let them be and avoid them.. cuz once u touch them.. its your fault! =S
i am very.. very eager to study law now! not study to be a lawyer but just to know wats law and apply it in my daily life.. everything seems to happen so fast when i was on ground wif those malays.. some other malay guy comes straight into our arguement and ask us whether we would like to get out cars towed and let them service it and get it insuranced.. okay u know wat i think? i think.. its a damn con job!!! but reality its like dat de.. insurance and car servicing companies will camp around that highway and any sign of car accident they will come straight to grab business.. but still omg la.. in my point of view.. it looks like they were collaborating! they shook hands and laughed and talk like they know each other for a long time and kept pestering me to go to the police station.. they even hinted me to pay them! PAY WAT LAA!! pay for ur pyschological temporary shockness ar? ur car is not even scratched!! -.- they force me to go police station so dat they could claim insurance and get a brand new free boot done.. sighh... new one dai sai meh...
so i called dad and he told me to stay put and even called a towcar to tow it.. and there i tot.. i still can drive home ma.. but den it dented till i was unable to open the front hood.. so i didnt dare to drive.. cuz maybe it hit some part of the internal.. they kinda pissed cuz i keep saying the same thing.. 'ku nak tunggu bapa ku datang baru buat decision boleh?' guess they finally understood the meaning after saying for dunno.. 4-5 times? and they left wif an angry looking face =P hah! anyway guys.. for your info, pls if u bang car.. dun simply show ur ic or give the no. to them as it is all wat they need to make u pay a rm300 summon if u can settle it outside.. pls do so okay? 300 compare to 50 is.. reli alot! dats for day 1
gosh.. im taking a long time to write this entry laa.. -.- eyes also tired edi. alrite i'l sum things up.. i was called by dad to go police station to file a report as the malays had file one against me.. its standard procedure to have a fair judgement.. went to police station wif an angry mum and a very annoyed sis hu took in all my charges.. soo ma fan u know.. need this document dat document.. and then they say.. the inspector not here.. come back on saturday.. o.o whee.. go back wif an even more angry and yelling mum and a much annoyed hungry sis =) if ur asking how am i doin at dat time.. i was glad dat i've been trained to handle my emotions appropriately =) i may cause another accident if i werent trained..
yup went back there to meet wif inspector andd.. things get abit messy but was settled in the end =) i need money!! money makes the world go round~~ but i take it as karma.. i got a free phone last yr.. so i have to pay the price now.. =S
so.. yea i still hate malays.. maybe not all but some of them la.. i like my classmate amir! one of the nicest malay i have ever met in my life =) but some of them drives me mad =S anyway ppl.. driving everyone can drive but to drive safe and slow.. its not in everyone's nature.. so for the sake of saving ur parents money and time.. pls drive slow from now on okay? no harm reaching ur destination 10 mins later de.. and pls dun get influenced by fast and furious.. i know i was quite influenced.. -.- haha! but i stick to my code now.. stay away from the car in front of me.. at least 5 m away and constantly put my legs on top of my brake pedal instead of sticking it on the accelerator! now u know y i drive so reckless leh.. cuz im lazy! =)
kla.. tired edi.. gdnite ppl! Cya~
a fine afternoon after teaching shing extra maths class, went home thru federal highway.. and as i was driving at the fast lane.. and i swear i was driving around 60km/hr!! car in front of me breaks.. break lights were noticed and i also slowed down the car.. but I DIDN REALISE DAT THE CAR STOPPED COMPLETELY!! hu the hell stops their car in the middle of the road laa!! at least when u stop.. u stop den go laa.. stop den stop like dats ur road.. so i couldnt stop in time so.. 'tadaa'
sigh.. the moment i bang the car.. i was like.. 'ooohhhhhhhhh.. GG!' seriously! dats wat i said in my mind.. see, boys think so simple.. and i parked on the side.. went out of the car.. wif my mind determined to scold them but as i saw 4 MALAY guys came out from the car.. my legs betrayed me and it shaked.. damn -.- so much for giving pressure to the one hu is fault! anyway a stupid fact dat u all shld know! when driving.. in watsoever circumstances if u bang a car.. its ur fault.. even though they brake in front of u like some idiot.. u would have to let them be and avoid them.. cuz once u touch them.. its your fault! =S
i am very.. very eager to study law now! not study to be a lawyer but just to know wats law and apply it in my daily life.. everything seems to happen so fast when i was on ground wif those malays.. some other malay guy comes straight into our arguement and ask us whether we would like to get out cars towed and let them service it and get it insuranced.. okay u know wat i think? i think.. its a damn con job!!! but reality its like dat de.. insurance and car servicing companies will camp around that highway and any sign of car accident they will come straight to grab business.. but still omg la.. in my point of view.. it looks like they were collaborating! they shook hands and laughed and talk like they know each other for a long time and kept pestering me to go to the police station.. they even hinted me to pay them! PAY WAT LAA!! pay for ur pyschological temporary shockness ar? ur car is not even scratched!! -.- they force me to go police station so dat they could claim insurance and get a brand new free boot done.. sighh... new one dai sai meh...
so i called dad and he told me to stay put and even called a towcar to tow it.. and there i tot.. i still can drive home ma.. but den it dented till i was unable to open the front hood.. so i didnt dare to drive.. cuz maybe it hit some part of the internal.. they kinda pissed cuz i keep saying the same thing.. 'ku nak tunggu bapa ku datang baru buat decision boleh?' guess they finally understood the meaning after saying for dunno.. 4-5 times? and they left wif an angry looking face =P hah! anyway guys.. for your info, pls if u bang car.. dun simply show ur ic or give the no. to them as it is all wat they need to make u pay a rm300 summon if u can settle it outside.. pls do so okay? 300 compare to 50 is.. reli alot! dats for day 1
gosh.. im taking a long time to write this entry laa.. -.- eyes also tired edi. alrite i'l sum things up.. i was called by dad to go police station to file a report as the malays had file one against me.. its standard procedure to have a fair judgement.. went to police station wif an angry mum and a very annoyed sis hu took in all my charges.. soo ma fan u know.. need this document dat document.. and then they say.. the inspector not here.. come back on saturday.. o.o whee.. go back wif an even more angry and yelling mum and a much annoyed hungry sis =) if ur asking how am i doin at dat time.. i was glad dat i've been trained to handle my emotions appropriately =) i may cause another accident if i werent trained..
yup went back there to meet wif inspector andd.. things get abit messy but was settled in the end =) i need money!! money makes the world go round~~ but i take it as karma.. i got a free phone last yr.. so i have to pay the price now.. =S
so.. yea i still hate malays.. maybe not all but some of them la.. i like my classmate amir! one of the nicest malay i have ever met in my life =) but some of them drives me mad =S anyway ppl.. driving everyone can drive but to drive safe and slow.. its not in everyone's nature.. so for the sake of saving ur parents money and time.. pls drive slow from now on okay? no harm reaching ur destination 10 mins later de.. and pls dun get influenced by fast and furious.. i know i was quite influenced.. -.- haha! but i stick to my code now.. stay away from the car in front of me.. at least 5 m away and constantly put my legs on top of my brake pedal instead of sticking it on the accelerator! now u know y i drive so reckless leh.. cuz im lazy! =)
kla.. tired edi.. gdnite ppl! Cya~
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